Blog Is......???!!!!

Blog ???????
Blog is short for Weblog, a term first used by Jorn Barger in December 1997. Jorn Barger use the term to describe a group Weblog personal website is always updated continuously and contains links to other websites that they find interesting along with the comments of their own.

Blog then developed to find the form in accordance with the wishes of the author or the blogger. Blog which was originally a "track record" someone on the Internet, which links to websites visited and considered attractive, then became much more interesting than a list of links. This is because the Blogger usually also do not forget to fasten the comments "smart" their personal opinions and even express their sarcasm on the link they make.

From the comments were usually blog then becomes a window that allows us to "peek" the contents of the head and the daily life of its creator. Blogs are an easy way to get to know someone's personality Blogger. The topics of what she likes and she did not like, what did he think of the links that she chose, what the response on an issue. Usually depicted entirely clear from his blog. Because it is a very personal blog. Roger Yim, a columnist for the San Francisco Gate article in February 2001, wrote that a Blog is a cross between one's diary and a list of links on the Internet. Who's Scott Rosenberg in his column in the online magazine Salon in May 1999 concludes that the blog is in the restriction site is more lifeless than just a collection of links but less instrospektif than just a diary that is stored on the internet.

Other developments from the blog that is when then blog even no longer contain the links but just be writing about what a blogger think, feel, to what he does everyday. Blog Online Diary then also be located on the Internet. The only thing that distinguishes blog diary or journal of what we usually have is that the blog created to read others. The Bloggers with deliberately designing his blog and its contents to be enjoyed by others.