Adding Google Plus One (+1) To Your Website Or Blog

Adding Google Plus One (+1) In Post Blog - What Google Functions Plus One? Google has released an alternative to Facebook and Twitter share button called Plus One. If you like something you find on the web, you can press the +1. And +1 will help you to your friends on the web to find things best when they are seeking.

The steps are as follows:
1. Find the following code </ head> after See you paste this code on it </ head>

                <script type="text/javascript" src="">
                {lang: 'en-US'}
                </ script>

2. Save the following code to display google plus one (+1) on the blog: Open
    It's up to masu stored at the beginning of the article or at the end of your article

               <div style='float:right'>
               <g:plusone size="standard" expr:href="data:post.url"/>
               </ div>


*Notice the writing in red and blue on top. You can change the text in red with "Left". While writing that colored blue is the size and shape of the button plus one.
------> Available in Standard, Small, Medium, and Tall.  
------> Just replace the blue text with one of the four above.

Google's placement and position plus one:
1. Google pairs plus one at the beginning of the article
     Save the code number 2 before <data:post.body/>

2. Google pairs plus one at the end of the article
     Save the code number 2 after the code <data:post.body/>

3. Google pairs plus one as a widget
     Select Plan> Add> Widget HTML / Javascript.
