DJ Studio Pro 10 Full Patch

Bagi sobat yang suka dengan audio editing, tentu sudah tau dengan software yang satu ini bukan. DJ Studio Pro adalah software multimedia yang dapat kita gunakan untuk menambahkan efek mixing pada audio atau lagu. Sofware DJ Studio Pro ini mendukung banyak sekali format-format populer audio seperti MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, MPC, AU, PAF, SVX, VOX, CAF, SF, AIFF, MO3, MOD, MTM, S3M, AAC, dan masih banyak lagi. Tidak hanya dapat menambahkan efek mixing, dengan software yang satu ini kita juga dapat mengedit audio atau lagu.


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Features :
  • Beat Match Mixing System
    Automatic and manual beat matching system with selectable beat from bass kick or volume peaks. Create beat match offset play points for each song. Manual system shows beats with nudge button to align before fading decks.
  • Playing Audio CD's
    If a CD is inserted, the CD window will open allowing you to mix CD tracks with the play list. As the track plays it is also loaded to memory, this takes just a few seconds, you can then eject the CD, the track will continue to play, and you can insert another CD
  • Statistics
    Statistics build as songs play and can be adjusted from top 20 to top 500. They show the number of plays for each song and the song position. Stats panel also shows beats per minute for the song. Create Play Lists of the most played songs using the Stats information.
  • Sound Plate
    A great new innovative, easy and intuitive way to control DJ Studio Pro. Control Mixing, Effects, Scratching and more. Once you've tried it, you will be hooked!
  • Sound Clips Player
    Includes around 400 sound effects, music loops and rhythm loops. Sound clips can be played at any time and during auto fading of songs. Use the included sounds or create your own with the included audio splitter, editor. Add DirectX effects, speed and pitch adjustments to the clip player.
  • Audio Database
    Automatically searches your pc and creates a database of all your audio files. Order the database by Title, Artist, Album, Year, Comment, Tempo. Search and add songs to the play list. Create multiple Play Lists using the Database information.
  • ReMix Maker
    ReMix allows you to create your own MP3's using all the resources of DJ Studio Pro including the Sound Plate. You can change Speed, Pitch, add DX Effects, VST Reverb, you can remix each mix and add more audio and effects. Voice recordings can be created and remixed with effects and audio.
  • Real Time Song Normalise
    It can be annoying when cd's and songs are recorded at different volume levels. With real time normalise enabled your songs will always play at the same volume. Before playback starts, the song is analysed for peak volumes and adjusted so all songs play at the same level.
  • Included Programs
    Audio and CD conversion - ID3 Tag Editor - Album Cover Editor - CD Creator Burner - Audio Editor / Splitter / Joiner - LRC Karaoke Lyrics Creator - Steinberg VST Effects Plug-Ins - DirectX Effects

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Regards, Admin - Aditya Eka