Social bookmarking is a site that provides services to store the URL addresses for the user. The simple notion like that, let me just quickly mudheng passable bookmark us discuss about it first, then to a social bookmarking site, yuk! Anyway this is the explanation for the novice Internet users, for those who already seasoned certainly do not need to read further.
Social Bookmark originally created to facilitate storing the URL address of the site a favorite. Actually this feature already exists in the browser (firefox, internet explorer, opera, etc.) and we can store it in our local computer. But with the development and our browsing activities, then what we store in the browser will be hard at managing time we save a lot. In addition to the browser will also be lost if there is risk of damage to our dikomputer and requires reinstall windows.
In addition, if we just keep it on the local computer is the URL address of our favorite becomes difficult to share with our friends than if you put them on a social bookmarking site, then we will very easily be shared with anyone, because we can share it for public or to our own comrades. After all, we store the URLs in order to remember the address on the internet, so we must use an internet connection to get to that address. Then why do not we just save it on the internet as well? so that our computers are not full of junk URL address.