How Fast Browsing With Firefox

Mozilla Firefox is the browser most popular and widely used because it has many features and add-ons. 
There are some cool tricks we need to know for browsing using Firefox to be faster and fun. 
Tab Navigation 
Rather use the mouse to click the vote tab, then we can directly use the keyboard by pressing the key as follows:

   - Ctrl + Tab: quick way to rotate / move to the next tab 
   - Ctrl + shift + tab: a quick way to rotate to the previous tab 
   - Ctrl 1-9: by choosing a select number to jump to a specific tab 
Change the firefox icon is smaller. This can be done by accessing the following menu: view> select toolbars> and then customize 

About: config 
is a screen customization and configuration for users who want to tweak the features - features cnaggih firefox, such as: turn on pipelining, fast rendering, faster loading, avoid interruptions, block flash, increase the size of the cache, compressed data, etc.. 

Keywords in your bookmarks 
we can increase the speed of firefox bookmarkdi access by assigning keywords (keywords). inidapat things done by right clicking on the bookmark address, and then choose Properties.

Website autocomplete
Often times you type "www" and "com", "net", "org" manually in conjunction with domain names of sites we will visit. In firefox we can more quickly go to a website without needing to type the full address. 
The trick is simply by typing just the domain name, then press ctrl + enter, and automatically "www" and "com" will be filled by itself. Similarly, to address our simply press shift + enter, and to org pressing ctrl + shift + enter after entering the domain name.