Simple Ways to Make Floating Ads Close Button

    Follow This Steps:

    1. Log Into Your Account with each Surely
    2. Go to the Layout Tab
    3. Choose a Page Element
    4. Add a gadget Select the HTML / JAVASCRIPT
    5. And Copy the code below into it.

<a onblur = "try {parent.
deselectBloggerImageGracefully ();} catch (e) {} "style = "margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 400px; height: 300px;" src = " / AAAAAAAABkE/f-qrOCcQZzU/s400/Widget.JPG "alt =" "id =" BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5433478876639914642 "border =" 0 "/> </ a>

<style type="text/css">
# gb {
position: fixed;
top: 10px;
z-index: +1000;
* Html # gb {position: relative;}

. gbcontent {
float: right;
border: 2px solid # A5BD51;
background: # ffffff;
padding: 10px;
</ style>

<script type="text/javascript">
showHideGB function () {
var pl = document.getElementById ("gb");
var w = gb.offsetWidth;
gb.opened? moveGB (0, 30-w): moveGB (20-w, 0);
gb.opened =! gb.opened;
moveGB function (x0, xf) {
var pl = document.getElementById ("gb");
var dx = Math.abs (x0-xf)> 10? 5: 1;
var dir = xf> x0? 1: -1;
var x = x0 + dx * dir; = x.toString () + "px";
if (x0! = xf) {setTimeout ("moveGB (" + x + "," + xf +")", 10);}
</ script>

<div id="gb">

<div class="gbtab" onclick="showHideGB()"> </ div>

<div class="gbcontent">

<div style="text-align:right">
<a href="javascript:showHideGB()">
. [Close] [Click 2x]:.
</ a>
</ div>

Enter the code in the ad or image that you want here

</ center>

<script type="text/javascript">
var pl = document.getElementById ("gb"); = (30-gb.offsetWidth). toString () + "px";
</ script> </ center> </ div> </ div>

     6. Save