Associated with beating a number of journalists by six high school students, Jakarta, on Monday (19/09/2011), President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has asked that the law is enforced.
"Finish well. The law enforced. Prevent, do not let any such collision," the president said on Tuesday (09/20/2011), at the Presidential Office.
It was submitted Yudhoyono told reporters when welcoming the group Yayasan Batik Indonesia who came to the Office of the President. The President was accompanied by his wife, Ani Yudhoyono.
"Our country is so vulnerable about. But once it happened, yes, must be completed properly, so there are valuable lessons," said Yudhoyono.
"Finish well. The law enforced. Prevent, do not let any such collision," the president said on Tuesday (09/20/2011), at the Presidential Office.
It was submitted Yudhoyono told reporters when welcoming the group Yayasan Batik Indonesia who came to the Office of the President. The President was accompanied by his wife, Ani Yudhoyono.
"Our country is so vulnerable about. But once it happened, yes, must be completed properly, so there are valuable lessons," said Yudhoyono.
"Anyone who commit violence should be processed," said Benny K Harman, Chairman of Commission III (Law) Council of Representatives (DPR), in Jakarta, Tuesday (20/09/2011).
As reported, the clashes resulted in four photographers were injured which Fil Banar Ardhi (Kompas.com), Yudhistiro Pranoto (Seputar Indonesia), Panca Syurkani (Media Indonesia), and Septiawan (Sinar Harapan). According to the South Jakarta Police Chief, Commissioner Imam Sugianto, 6 wounded seven high school students.
Benny assess any omission by the Police related to fighting between students who continue to repeatedly occur in the region Bulungan. As is known, is common brawl Friday afternoon or evening. They attack each other with various kinds of sharp weapons, golf clubs, stones, bamboo, and other weapons.
"Again and again it's omission. What motives they (police) let it? We ask that the Police should not allow it," said Benny.
Democrats were added, the Police must find the root of the problem why it keeps recurring brawls. One of the steps that must be taken, he said, namely that students call the principal involved brawl.