Death toll from the earthquake and tsunami in Japan

A mother is the family record
According said that death toll from the earthquake and tsunami in Japan reached 10 thousand people. This is the latest data reported by Friday (25 / 3) days or two weeks after the disaster occurred. The National Police Agency is responsible for collecting statistical data from different prefectures affected by the disaster can not confirm that figure. There are fears the death toll continues to grow. In its report on Thursday (24 / 3), the National Police Agency said that 9811 people have been confirmed dead and 17,541 officially listed as missing, and 2779 people have been injured. The quake has become the deadliest natural disaster since the Great Kanto earthquake, 1923, which killed more than 142 thousand people. Hundreds of thousands have been forced to leave their homes and take refuge in emergency facilities. Based on official data from the Japanese police swept the tsunami death toll recorded by the quake measuring 8.9 Richter scale in Japan totaled 686 people were killed and 641 people remain missing. Rescuers had to dig the mud and debris to find victims who were buried either in a life or death.  

Kyodo News Agency said Japan's Prime Minister Naoto Kan said, more than 3,000 people have been rescued. Some of them were taken from the collapsed houses, muddy water and debris burning. The official death toll was expected to alleged victims is much greater than officially recorded. NHK Japan Broadcasting reported more than 900 were killed. Meanwhile, Kyodo News Agency said the death toll could be above 1800. While the police claimed 1429 people were injured. But the number of casualties is expected to rise when rescuers reach more dangerous areas. In one coastal town alone, like Minamisanriku in Myagi, as many as 9500 people or half the population of the city has not been found.

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