Name Intelligence Agency Each State

United States

1.Amerika States, has a lot of intelligence agencies with the CIA as its largest agency, with duties including carrying out operations klandenstein (underground / hidden) and provides intelligence analysis for the President.

2.DIA department is tasked with coordinating all military intelligence for the joint head of the U.S. armed forces chief of staff.

3.INR is a small department's field of intelligence and research state department and its duties be accountable only to the secretary of state when active.

4.NIO imagery is an extension of the national office in charge of controlling all satellite satellite imagery intelligence gathering space outside the U.S.. This office often get a direct assignment from the CIA and HE

5.NRO this service in collaboration with NIO and responsible for hardware and placement of satellite intelligence.

6.NSA is a very popular service in addition to the CIA and has luxurious facilities equivalent to the CIA, with the task as "spies" in the air with the placement of satellite satellite monitors and specialized in signals intelligence and cryptography and cooperate with the NIO in terms of collecting intelligence.

1.IDF. Responsible for coordinating all intelligence for the Israeli defense forces general staff, from time to time give special assignment to the Mossad.

2.AMAN. Intelligence Branch of the IDF with special responsibility for collecting military intelligence information, geography and economics. His job primarily oversee Neighboring countries surrounding Israel are often in conflict.

3.AFI. Intelligence branch of the Israeli air force. Specializing as signals intelligence collectors and air reconnaissance using satellites.

4.BP. Paramilitary police in the territory occupied territories in Israel and is limited to his role as intelligence gatherers.

5.NI. Unique marine intelligence of all naval forces of Israel, in charge of monitoring the coastal areas of the coast of Israel and the update source resources abroad AL

6.GSS. Jugas known as Shinbet or Shabek and duties are accountable to domestic security and defense installation in foreign countries such as Israel's embassy, ​​consulates, and Israel is an important organization.

7.RPPC. Research and planning center in charge of giving political advice to the prime minister and his advisers active in terms of long-term strategy.

1.GCHQ. His staff numbered 7,000 people (the estimated amount of data of 1999) acting as "an invisible eye in space" this service monitors traffic signals, telex, fax, and email inside and outside the UK.

2.M16. also known as the Secret Intelligent Service. His staff numbered under 2000 people in charge of planning, implementing and analyzing covert operations and intelligence data collection worldwide.

3.MI5. with a staff of about 2000 people are also the primary internal British counterespionage service. Specializing in monitoring all the activities that are categorized subversion in the country and carry out monitoring of a number of diplomats and foreign embassies, including his true allies of the Israeli embassy.
Russian Intelligence Service 

1.GRU, or Glavnoye Razvedovatelnoye Upravlenie provide military intelligence to his Kremlin staff filled by the best intelligence service official from the former soviet union and the department is also equipped with a satellite device.

2.FCS. Or federal counter intelligence service or agency of federal intelligence agencies cons. Service is actually the latest version of the old KGB. His staff numbered 124 000 persons in 1999, focusing on displacement control at the border, the internal counter intelligence, surveillance over all foreign diplomats, journalists and businessmen. Got a powerful secret police divisions and have units in every major cities in Russia.

3.SVR. Or Sluzba Vneshie Razvedaki, in charge of controlling the operation of a double-layered intelligence collection worldwide, a number of units in particular collecting political intelligence, industrial, and commercial. Klandenstin operations including murder.

 Republic of China intelligence
1.ILD. His name was as though harmless, international liaison and the department or the target of international relations department. It is involved in the operation of its main klandenstin is the United States.

2.MID. Military Intelligence departamen department or military intelligence, is responsible to the people's liberation army general staff. His report contains, among other recent developments all foreign military capabilities, especially the United States and his staff carry out reconnaissance satellites are placed at every embassy and consulate PRC

3.MSS. Or abbreviated ministry of state security is responsible for all counter spinonase in china, the problem of reputation, the department is not very feared man.

4.STD. under the defense ministry, department of science and technology has two main functions are to collect all traffic signals from navy china embassy and embassies abroad, and targeting technology companies are working on the most advanced military and civilian, especially the United States .

5.NCNA. Official is a news agency which reported news about china. All this has become a pseudonym for all of its other Chinese intelligence official involved in the operation klandenstin operation.

The French Intelligence Service

1. Small watershed services totaled just less than 50 people focused on assessing the long-term defense planning efforts of other States State.

2. DPSD. Direction de la protection et da la Securite de la defense or security directorate for the protection and defense responsible for collecting foreign intelligence.

3. DRM. institutions involved directly with the French intelligence satellite programs. Divided into five sub directorates report directly to the prime minister the results of active duty.

4. DST. Directorate for surveillance of the territory or area reconnaissance directorate is the French intelligence services that the largest and most powerful. Having several thousand employees. Operating inside and outside the country have very broad responsibilities that include conduct reconnaissance on the overall activities of foreign embassies in Paris and klandenstin operations and reports to the prime minister of active duty

5. DGSE. Direction generale de la Securite exteriure or directorate general for external security, in charge of collecting economic and industrial intelligence infiltrated the terrorist organizations and carrying out espionage classic.

6. SGDN. Secretariat General de la defense nationale report to the prime minister and provide a summary of the development of military intelligence in the State of the State which requested France
 Japanese Intelligence Service
1 Naicho is part of the research office cabinet. Got a big bajet to analyze various defense policy from all major countries in the interest of Japan

2. MITI. Responsible for the collection of commercial and economic data around the world.

3. Psia public security investigation agency or public security investigation agency to concentrate on counter terrorism and counter espionage. Operates mainly in the country but since 1999 more and develop themselves towards a global

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