A version of HTML with many presentation elements and attributes

See the XHTML 1.0 Transitional version of HTML for a version of HTML with many presentation elements and attributes included :

a: anchor for hypertext link
abbr: encloses shortened phrase which represents whole
acronym: encloses word formed from letters in a phrase
address: address, signature, or byline
area: define region on an imagemap which is a hypertext link
b: bold text
base: base context document
bdo: I18N BiDi over-ride
big: set larger text relative to surrounding text
blockquote: quoted passage
body: document body
br: line break
button: push button
caption: descriptive phrase for table
cite: name or title of cited work
code: source (computer) code
col: vertical alignment in cells
colgroup: vertical alignment in cells
dd: definition of term
del: inserted text, deleted text
dfn: enclose term definition
div: define parts of a document
dl: definition list or glossary
dt: term in definition list
em: emphasized phrase
fieldset: form control group
form: fill-out or data-entry form
h1: primary heading
h2: secondary heading
h3: third-level heading
h4: fourth-level heading
h5: fifth-level heading
h6: sixth-level heading
head: document head
hr: horizontal rule
html: HTML document outer container
i: italic text
img: image; photo, icon, glyph, or illustration
input: form input datum
ins: inserted text, deleted text
kbd: keyboard phrase (user input)
label: form field label text
legend: fieldset legend
li: list item
link: link from this document
map: define client-side imagemap
meta: generic meta-information about the document
noscript: alternate content container for non script-based rendering
object: generic embedded object
ol: ordered list
optgroup: option group
option: a selection option
p: paragraph
param: named property value
pre: preformatted text
q: short inline quotation
samp: sample text or characters
script: script for user-document interaction
select: selection of option(s)
small: set smaller text relative to surrounding text
span: generic language/style container
strong: strong emphasis
style: style information
sub: subscript text
sup: superscript
table: tabular presentation of information
tbody: table body
td: table data cell
textarea: an area for text input
tfoot: table footer
th: table header cell
thead: table header
title: title of document
tr: table row container
tt: typewriter text
ul: unordered list
var: variable phrase or s